This has been a big year for me. Last year on my birthday I was struggling with infertility and preparing for one last try at intrauterine insemination (IUI), starting my Thesis project, teaching full time with four different class preps, trying to be a good mom to my two kids, and my husband was constantly gone with his college football coaching career. I was not satisfied with how I was showing up as a mom, wife, daughter, sister, and friend. I remember sitting in the doctor’s office waiting to find out if we would finally be able to complete the IUI process and thinking about what I really wanted for my life. I was prepared to close the baby chapter of my life and knew that I could be happy with the two beautiful children that I had already been blessed with, but I knew that I wanted more out of life for myself and my family. I promised myself that day that I was going to make a concentrated effort to personally grow in all aspects of my life in the next year and work to become the best and happiest version of myself.

Fast-forward to my birthday this year and this is a big week for me! Not only do I turn 35 today (this feels monumental to me), but I set some big goals for myself during this week one year ago: finish my Master’s Degree, serve others more, find peace with whatever motherhood had in store for me, and be the healthiest and happiest I have ever been. I couldn’t have dreamed how the year would play out, and how different I would feel one year later. I was determined to challenge and push myself to grow and I did that both literally and figuratively. Through small miracles, we were able to successfully complete the IUI process again (baby #1 is also an IUI baby). After three years of constant fertility obstacles, I got pregnant with baby number three this same week last year and needless to say we are all completely in love with our sweet baby H (Link to my baby/nursing MUST HAVES). I have been consistent in working on my personal growth a little bit each day (see what I did here) and know that has made a huge difference in my postpartum recovery because I feel more healthy (Thanks to these green smoothies!), happy, and motivated than ever. I have worked hard and diligently on my thesis project over the last year and will officially submit it for completion this week! Getting a raise at work for my Master’s degree and having this sweet baby brought about the surprise of being able to cut back to part-time after teaching high school full-time for 10 years. Spending less time at work has opened so many doors for me to be able to serve my family and friends and hopefully be the better mom, wife, daughter, sister, and friend I was hoping to be.

I had never even thought of starting a blog until I began researching options of what I could do from home to put my Master’s degree to work for me and hopefully make enough to stay at home part-time for more than just one school year. Now, writing a successful blog and sharing my experiences with you in hopes that I can help bless your life in some small way has become my new passion and next big goal! This past year has been full of ups and downs. In some ways, it is hard to get older, but I mostly appreciate the knowledge, insight, and perspective that age affords us. I am certainly better now than I was a year ago and hope that I can continue to work and grow into the person that I hope to someday be.