Focusing a small amount of time and energy on the five simple areas listed below each day has truly changed the way I think and feel about myself and those around me. I have found that when I put in the time and effort to better myself I am not only happier but I am more productive, kind, patient, and giving. I like to call this focused time in my day the “Happy Hour” because I know that overtime it has changed my perspective and made me a much happier and healthier person overall. It might not even take a full hour but be willing to give the time you need to yourself! As moms, wives, and friends, we spent the majority of our time giving to others and need to realize that we deserve the love from ourselves just as much (if not more) than anyone else does and that you cannot pour from an empty glass.   

  1. Get motivated: The number one way that I motivate myself is to read motivational books (audiobooks if you are always on the go like me). I also recommend podcasts and good conversations with positive mentors, following positive social media accounts, journaling, furthering your education, listening to upbeat music, or whatever you discover gets you going! (How to Get FREE Audiobooks)

  2. Get moving: Walk, run, cycle, swim, vacuum, goat yoga, it doesn’t matter what it is as long as you are moving your body. Getting your blood flowing and increasing your heart rate up into your target heart rate zone everyday will make you feel better in so many ways! Most days my go-to is simply walking but I also try to do heart rate interval work 2-3 times a week.

  3. Get healthy: Hydration and nutrition make us feel better on the inside and outside. Hydration is one of the best and simplest ways to improve your health. The recommendation is to drink half your body weight in ounces each day. While this may seem daunting at first it gets easier as you form healthier habits, and even if you don’t get the full amount each day just trying for it will make you feel better! Two things that I try to do every day for my nutrition is to drink my water and have a nutrition packed green smoothie for breakfast every morning. 

  4. Give service: Doing something for someone else doesn’t have to be a big thing. Leave a simple positive note for your spouse, child, or co-worker. Small acts of kindness are a win-win because it makes a bigger difference for others than you think and will lift you up in the process. I try to do something as small as a smile at someone I normally wouldn’t or make a conscious effort to give a simple but sincere compliment to someone I talk to each day.    

  5. Set goals: The first step is to SET A GOAL and then do one small thing to move you closer to accomplishing that goal each day (Use the SMART goal method). This can be anything from running that 5K, making dinner 3 nights this week, going back to school, or going full-on Marie Kondo on your entire house! I always try to have one big goal and one smaller goal that I am working for. Don’t just think about them, it is more powerful to write them down and even more so to manifest them out loud and tell someone else about them.

The best part is you can combine these and do what moms do best and multitask the heck out of it! For example, my favorite is to listen to an audiobook while I walk, make beds, shuttle laundry to bedrooms, vacuum, mop, mow the lawn, drive, prep dinner, etc. Check off that do-do list while moving, getting motivated, and serving your family! There are so many ways you can combine these to work for you and make your “Happy Hour” productive and easy. If you are overwhelmed by super multitasking or you just need some time when you aren’t having to run yourself ragged, my suggestion is to start by taking a walk and listening to a motivational audiobook.